G: Gopher

Sunshine House Weekly Newsletter: Gophers & Rodents
December 2-6. 2024

We’re excited to share what we have planned for the week of December 2-6! This week, we’re exploring the letter “G,” numbers, and festive fun!

  • Monday: Let’s get “G”-oing! We’ll introduce the letter “G” through fun songs, crafts, and sensory play. Look for letter “G” activities you can do at home with your child!
  • Tuesday: It’s Rodent Roundup! We’ll discover the fascinating world of rodents through stories, videos, and hands-on activities.
  • Wednesday: Hickory Dickory Dock! We’ll learn this classic nursery rhyme through music, movement, and creative play. Don’t forget to join us for our monthly Pajama Day and Family Breakfast!
  • Thursday: Red and White Day (Rojo and Blanco)! Let’s celebrate the holiday spirit with festive colors. Wear your red and white outfits to school!
  • Friday: Focus on Five (Cinco)! We’ll count to five, practice writing the number 5.

We encourage you to read to your child daily, sing songs, and engage in imaginative play. These activities are essential for early childhood development.

Parent Tip: Encourage your child’s creativity by providing opportunities for drawing, painting, and building. Art helps develop fine motor skills, problem-solving abilities, and self-expression.

Phonics:  G says G G G G G G Gopher, I dig for I’m no loafer.

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