January Preschool Calendar

January Preschool Calendar

NEW YEAR’S HOLIDAY CLOSED Tuesday, December 31st 4 PM & Wednesday, January 1st SUNSHINE HOUSE 40TH BIRTHDAY! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15th MARTIN LUTHER KING HOLIDAY CLOSED, MON, JAN 20th Monthly Affirmation: We will be introducing affirmations to the children...
December Preschool Newsletter

December Preschool Newsletter

December is here and what an exciting month we have much to look forward to! We will be concentrating on experiencing the Holiday Season through our senses. We learn about the feelings, textures, colors, and smells (cinnamon, pine…) and the symbols (candles,...
November Preschool Calendar

November Preschool Calendar

We’ve reached that festive time of year when the days blend together, filled with joyous activities—suddenly, it’s Halloween and then, in a blink, New Year’s Day! Closed Monday, November 11th Veteran’s Day Thanksgiving Holiday: Close at 4 PM on Wed.,...
December Preschool Newsletter

December Preschool Newsletter

  Sunshine House Preschool Monthly Calendar & Newsletter December is here and what an exciting month we have to look forward to! We will be concentrating on experiencing the Holiday Season through our senses. We learn about the feelings, textures, colors and...
November Preschool Calendar

November Preschool Calendar

Sunshine House Preschool Monthly Calendar & Newsletter We have come to the holiday time of the year when one day blurs into the next with fun activities…one day it’s Halloween and the next New Year’s Day! Click on the weekly links below for additional details on...