November Preschool Calendar
We have come to the holiday time of the year when one day blurs into the next with fun activities…one day it’s Halloween and the next New Year’s Day!
October 30- November 3 This week, we will be learning about Fall Harvest and Pumpkins.
This week, we will be learning about Fall Harvest and Pumpkins. Monday is Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater Day, when we learn the nursery rhyme, as well as learn about pumpkins. Tuesday is our Halloween Carnival. Costumes are welcome, just bring a change of clothes for your child to change at lunchtime. We hope your child will be able to bring in a mini pumpkin to share and explore for the week. Wednesday is our yummy Corning Around Day, when we will be having a corn taste test; talking and working with corn, corn, corn! Thursday is our opposite day In/Out. Friday is 5 Little Pumpkins Day, when we will be learning and acting out this nursery rhyme.
November 6-10 Our letter of the week is E-Elephant, lift me up I say you can’t.
We will also be learning about the number 4 (in Spanish, cuatro), our number of the month. Monday we will introduce the soft letter E. Tuesday we will be doing activities based on the book Pete, the Cat, & His 4 Groovy Buttons. Wednesday we will be reading Ella the Elegant Elephant. Thursday we will be going on a counting journey as we read, We All Went on Safari. It is also our monthly P.J Day and family breakfast. Friday will be closed for the Veteran’s Day Holiday.
Closed Friday, Nov. 10th
Veteran’s Day
November 13-17 Our letter of the week is F-Fish, to swim like me don’t you wish!
This week, we will also be learning about our community helpers for the month, Firefighters. Monday is Firefighters Day, when we will explore what they do, where they work, and what they drive to do their job. We will focus on the letter ‘’F” Tuesday, as in Fishy, Fishy, In the Brook. Wednesday we will have fun with fingers as we do the fingerplay Five Little Fish Swimming in the Sea. Thursday is Stop, Drop & Roll Day, when we will be practicing this lifesaving skill. Friday we will be focusing our attention on the opposites Soft/Hard.
November 20-24 This week we will be talking about Thanksgiving and what it means to be thankful.
Monday we will Give Thanks! On Tuesday, we will have our own Thanksgiving Feast taste test. We will close at 4 P.M. on Wednesday to allow everyone travel time for Thanksgiving. We are closed on Thursday & Friday for Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving Holiday:
Close at 4 PM on Wed., Nov. 22nd
Closed Thurs. & Fri., Nov. 23rd & 24th
November 27-Dec 1 Our letter of the week is G-Giraffe, my long neck gives me a laugh.
Not only will we be learning about Giraffes, but we will also be talking about Animals of the Savanna, this week. Monday is Giraffe Day. Everyone is encouraged to bring something that starts with the letter “G”. Tuesday is Square & Brown Day, our shape & color of the month. Wednesday is opposite day, Up & Down. Thursday is Savanna Habitat Day. Friday is another Opposite Day: Long/Short.
Upcoming Holidays:
Closed Monday, December 25th & Tuesday, December 26th
Closed Monday, January 1, 2024
Sunshine House Preschool
Helping you to help your child lead their best life!
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