December Preschool Newsletter


December preschool newsletter brentwood oakley martinez CA

Sunshine House Preschool Monthly Calendar & Newsletter

December is here and what an exciting month we have to look forward to! We will be concentrating on experiencing the Holiday Season through our senses. We learn about the feelings, textures, colors and smells (cinnamon, pine…) and the symbols (candles, stars, bells…) that make this part of the year so special. Somehow (Ha! Ha!), the children know about the Santa and gift giving part of Christmas and don’t seem to need any extra stimulation in this area!

Click on the weekly links below for additional details about daily activities your preschooler is participating in.

December 2-7 Our letter of the week is G-Gopher, I dig for I’m no loafer. Monday we will be talking about the letter “G,” as in Gopher. Tuesday we will learn about rodents, in general. Wednesday we will learn the nursery rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock. Thursday is Red and White Day (Rojo and Blanco in Spanish). Friday we will focus on the number 5 (in Spanish, Cinco), our number for the month. It is also our Family Breakfast and the first pajama day of the month, where you are invited to join us for free homemade breakfast.

Santa & Cider
Check your school or Facebook for time/date

Santa and Cider is an afternoon family event where your child will have a photo op with Santa (for free!) and your family can enjoy a quick snack. You will receive a commemorative card & picture. You are welcome to bring family members and your own camera.

December 9-13 Our letter of the week is H-Horse, take me for a ride, of course. We will also be talking about Christmas symbols this week. Monday is H and Horse Day. Tuesday will be Candles, The Flame Lights the Way. Wednesday is Ding-A-Ling Day, a day to learn about bells. Thursday we will be reviewing a favorite nursery rhyme, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Friday is Shape Day, starring the star. We’re hoping to see lots of bells and stars to share!

Christmas Program
Check your school or Facebook for location and date

Our Christmas Program will be at 7 PM. All of the children will be participating. Everyone will dress up and it is one of the most exciting events of the year. The program will be followed by a “surprise” visit from St. Nick and treats for all. Sign-ups will be posted for your help with refreshments.
We will have a gift exchange at the program, with Santa passing out the gifts. Each child needs to bring a coloring book and crayons, wrapped, by the Friday prior to your school’s program date. The coloring book needs to be appropriate for any 2-5 year old. Do not put a label on the package, as your child will not necessarily get the gift you bring. Family and friends are welcome! If you are bringing siblings or any other child to the program, please bring enough coloring books and crayons so they can also get a gift from Santa, too. We don’t want anyone to be disappointed. Bring your cameras!!

December 16-20 This week we will be talking about the smells and taste of Christmas. Our days will be less structured because children come in and out at odd times as celebrations and preparations for the holidays happen. Monday will be focusing on Gingerbread Men. Tuesday we will be making Magic Reindeer Food to encourage these Christmas visitors at your house. Wednesday is our red & white luncheon. Sign-ups will be posted for you to be able to contribute something. Thursday we will be reading If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Friday is a cozy, yummy day: Pajamas and Peppermint Day. We will be having a peppermint taste test and everyone is encouraged to wear their PJs.

Tuesday, December 24th
Wednesday, December 25th

December 23-27 Fairy Tales & Nursery Rhymes.  Monday we will be reading and acting out the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood. We will be closed Tuesday & Wednesday for the Christmas holiday. Randomized trials showed that the use of phentermine enhances the weight loss by 3-4% compared to placebo. Adrenergic stimulants increase the release of norepinephrine in specific areas of the brain, which reduces appetite. Read more on Thursday is Little Jack Horner Day. We will be learning the nursery rhyme. Friday, we will concentrating on the opposites: open/close.

Wednesday, January 1st

In gross motor development we’ll be learning to jump and to put on our own coats…neither is so easy to do at the younger ages!

UPCOMING HOLIDAY: Monday, January 20st
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

We appreciate all of the ways so many of you have shown your support throughout the year. We wish your family a happy and healthy New Year!



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