Oct 8, 2023 | Storytime, Uncategorized
“Six paleontologists search for bones. When they find them, they dig them up, wrap them, and load them on a truck, bound for the museum. With simple text and vibrant illustrations, young readers explore the process of finding and assembling bone fossils.”-...
Oct 8, 2023 | Storytime, Uncategorized
The story of a spider who wants to become a family pet. Oops he keeps scaring them instead… see how he finally finds a family of his own....
Aug 22, 2023 | Storytime, Uncategorized
“In Every Cowgirl Needs a Horse, Nellie Sue does everything with a western flair. Whether it is cleaning up the animal sty (picking up her stuffed animals) or rounding up cattle (getting the neighborhood kids together for her birthday party), she does it like a...
Aug 22, 2023 | Storytime, Uncategorized
“The Sun and the Clouds are best friends. Together they keep the world warm, the gardens growing, and the sky full of beautiful rainbows. But one day they get into a fight and refuse to be in the sky together. And that means there are no longer any rainbows....