C- Caterpillar

Sunshine House Preschool & Daycare

Weekly Newsletter: C-Caterpillar/Number 3
October 7-11, 2024

This week, we’re embarking on a fun-filled journey with our friend Cathy Caterpillar and the number 3!


  • Monday: Meet Cathy Caterpillar! We’ll be learning about the letter “C” and encouraging your child to bring in a show-and-tell item starting with the hard “C” sound.
  • Tuesday: Let’s count to three! We’ll explore the number 3 (tres) through various activities and games.
  • Wednesday: It’s munching time! We’ll dive into the beloved story, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” and discover what happens when a tiny caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly.
  • Thursday: Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? We’ll act out the classic tale of the Three Little Pigs, learning about teamwork and problem-solving.
  • Friday: Three blind mice! We’ll sing, dance, and learn about the number 3 through this classic nursery rhyme.

Phonics: C says C C C C Caterpillar I crawl from post to pillar.

Parent Tip: Help your child develop fine motor skills by practicing cutting out shapes like circles and triangles. This will also help prepare them for writing.

Let’s make this week a crawling, counting adventure!

Sunshine House Preschool

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